Thursday, September 8, 2011

Loving right now! Uliana Sergienko's debut collection

I'm sure you all know her as a part of russian fashion pack ( Miroslava Duma, Elena Perminova, Vika Gazinskaya and ULIANA SERGIENKO ). They are often seen in street style chronicles. But this post is not about the style of these Slavic princesses, but about the fact that it was the first time when I was impressed by the Russian designer. Don't blame me for the fact that I'm not a fan of Russian fashion industry, but Uliana's debut collection is amazing. It is like a trip to 50s, but even better. I love the lookbook of this collection, you can feel the spirit of past lips, silhouettes, hair style, fabrics. But no more words!!! Take a closer look. What do you say?


  1. wow! such an inspiration... fashion from the past is totally awesome!

    Anyway, I followed your blog, hope you can follow back, too!

    It’s a GIRL Thing

  2. lovely!!! pass to my blog and follow :)

  3. oh my goodness.. this looks SO amazing.. how awesome is this! the clothing.. the feel of it.. the way it´s photographed.. it´s amazing. p.s. I entered a blogger contest and I really need you to 'like' my picture.. it only takes a second. And the contest only runs for a week! I'd really appreciated. here is an explanation:

  4. great post...I love your blog.
    I'm following you now, hope you can follow me back :)

  5. Hey! I have a facebook page called Modern Modest Fashion, and I was wondering if I could feature your photos (some) on an album dedicated specifically for photos from fashion blogs on the internet. Your blog will be listed as source and also as a must read blog. Is that ok?

    That girl from -
